News and Articles

Mar 27, 2012


Keller Group plc

Justin Atkinson

Keller Group plc Wins Major Contract Award In Western Australia

The parent company of Hayward Baker Inc., Keller Group plc, an international ground engineering specialist with several U.S. operating companies, has secured a key contract with Bechtel Australia Pty Ltd worth in excess of $180 million. The contract is for the piling installation for the Chevron-operated, $30 billion Wheatstone LNG Plant located near Onslow, Western Australia.

Mar 26, 2012


Scottish Water Ltd.

Major Campbeltown environmental project completed

Scottish Water has completed a massive environmental improvement project to provide Campbeltown with a 21st century waste water system. The £23m scheme – one of the biggest of its kind ever carried out in Argyll & Bute – has delivered a modern, state-of-the-art waste water system after upgrading key parts of Scottish Water’s infrastructure in the town.

Mar 26, 2012



lena Zemke

SEKISUI SPR Europe sets European record in Paris: Spirally wound at the largest diameter

When it comes to rehabilitating sewers with large nominal diameters under complex boundary conditions, the spiral-wound pipe rehabilitation technology comes into its own. This was the case in the French district of Le Pecq near Paris in October 2011, where 281 metres of a DN 3000-3300 rain water collector were rehabilitated with a DN 2750 spiral-wound pipe liner of SEKISUI SPR Europe, manufactured by its subsidiary SEKISUI Rib Loc. The rehabilitation project involved the use of the SPR™ PE spiral-wound pipe process, previously known as RIBLINE. The Le Pecq project saw a new European nominal diameter record being set for this form of spiral-wound pipe rehabilitation technology.

Mar 23, 2012


Heraeus Holding GmbH

Michelle Weinel

World Water Day 2012: Clean water increases food security

"Water and Food Security" is the theme of this year's World Water Day, which the United Nations (UN) holds annually on March 22. The need for clean water is growing worldwide. Most water – about 70 percent of the amount consumed around the world – is used to produce, process, and package food.

Mar 22, 2012



Isabelle Le Fournis

World Water Day 2012 - Less water, less food

Sufficient good-quality water is key to the health and well-being of humans and ecosystems and an essential ingredient for socio-economic development. It is estimated that fresh water will become an increasingly scarce resource in the coming years.

Mar 22, 2012



Rita Ann Wallace

Millennium Development Goal drinking water target met

The world has met the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target of halving the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water, well in advance of the MDG 2015 deadline, according to a report issued this month by UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO). Between 1990 and 2010, over two billion people gained access to improved drinking water sources, such as piped supplies and protected wells.

Mar 21, 2012


Ontario Clean Water Agency

Nick Reid

Ontario Clean Water Agency and Mekorot Israel National Water Company Ltd. Sign Letter of Intent for Cooperation

The Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) is pleased to announce they have signed a letter of intent for cooperation with Mekorot Israel National Water Company Ltd. (Mekorot). This long term collaboration will enable the two organizations to partner on international bid opportunities, exchange information and best practices on innovation, new technology, energy efficiency, automation, data management and analysis, water quality, emergency planning and event management protocols.

Mar 20, 2012



Signing of Water and Sanitation Compact offers hope to Liberians

WaterAid has welcomed the commitment made by the President of Liberia, to increase investment to help the 1.2 million Liberians without access to safe drinking water and 3.5 million who lack adequate sanitation. The President, President of Liberia, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, who is an international water and sanitation ambassador, made the commitment by signing the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Compact at a ceremony last month in Monrovia, Liberia.

Mar 19, 2012


Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

Arielle Helmick

Green Visions Schedule Announced – Thematic Cluster: Water

The second thematic cluster for the “Green Visions film series” will begin on 14 March 2012 at 20:00 with the screening of Flow (USA 2008) at the Gasteig, the center for cultural life in Munich. Green Visions is a cooperative project between the RCC, Ecomove International, the Ökologische Bildungszentrum, and the Münchner Volkshochschule.

Mar 19, 2012


Itron Inc.

Sharelynn Moore

Itron Announces New Water Fixed Network Deployment in Australia

Itron, Inc. announced that it was chosen by the Cairns Regional Council, under the Port Douglas Demand Management Campaign, to deploy its advanced water metering solution. Itron has begun deploying its wireless fixed network system in the town of Port Douglas, in Far North Queensland. This new deployment in Australia follows last year’s full-scale deployment of the same system in the city of Kalgoorlie. Over the course of the six-month project, Itron is implementing a system that will help the Cairns Regional Council track water consumption and optimize supply according to demand.

Mar 16, 2012


Mueller Water Products, Inc.

John Pensec

Echologics Enhances LeakTuner™ for More Precise, Non-Invasive Leak Detection

Echologics, a leading developer of acoustic-based technologies for water loss management, leak detection, and pipe condition assessment, has enhanced its acoustic leak listening device, LeakTuner™, to increase the technology’s ability to help utilities precisely locate leaks in water distribution pipelines without breaking ground or disrupting service.

Mar 15, 2012



Adam J. Simonsen

Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Deploys Innovyze Smart Water Network Modeling Technology

Innovyze announced that the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW), California, has elected to adopt Innovyze’s industry-leading InfoWater, InfoWater MSX and CapPlan smart water modeling and management solution software to support its comprehensive capital improvement program and optimize business performance.

Mar 14, 2012


The Charles Machine Works, Inc.

Ditch Witch® Walk-Behind Trenchers Deliver Superior Return On Investment

The Charles Machine Works (CMW), Inc., manufacturer of Ditch Witch® underground construction equipment, has introduced a new line of compact and powerful walk-behind trenchers, each of which is designed and manufactured to provide an exceptional return on investment for small business owners, particularly equipment rental companies.

Mar 13, 2012


Thames Water Utilities Limited

Simon Evans

Future-telling gadget to prevent major bursts on trunk mains – and save water

Hugely disruptive water-wasting bursts on major mains could become a thing of the past, thanks to a hi-tech computer system that can predict the future, Thames Water said. The company is the first in the world to use TrunkMinder devices, designed to detect tiny underground leaks on big supply pipes before they develop into big bursts, like the one that flooded shops on London’s Oxford Street in January.

Mar 12, 2012



Maxence Naouri

Opening of Phase 1 of Line 3 of the Cairo metro

Line 3 of the Cairo metro was opened in February 2012. This first phase includes five underground stations (Attaba, Bab el Shaaria, El Geish, Abdou Pasha and Abbasia) and serves the eastern part of Cairo from the city centre. Once completed, Line 3 will cross the Egyptian capital from east to west, from the airport to the districts west of the Nile. The development of the Cairo metro system is part of a large-scale plan aimed at serving the transport needs of the Greater Cairo area up to 2022. It will help to reduce pollution in Africa's largest metropolitan area.

Mar 12, 2012


Open Grid Europe GmbH

Mirco Hillmann

MEGAL builds new natural gas pipeline in Bavaria

Mittel-Europäische Gasleitungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG (MEGAL), a joint venture between Open Grid Europe GmbH and GRTgaz Deutschland GmbH, is investing over €110 million in natural gas infrastructure in southern Germany.

Mar 08, 2012


African Development Bank Group

Katia Theriault

AfDB makes USD 100m loan for better water and sanitation in Nigeria

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved a loan of USD 100 million to improve water and sanitation in the city of Zaria in northern Nigeria through the African Development Fund, its concessional or ‘soft loan’ arm. The project will include the rehabilitation, expansion and construction of water and sanitation facilities in the city. Some 1.4 million people will gain improved access to clean water and sanitation. In addition, the project will provide extra benefits for women and girls.

Mar 07, 2012


TT UK Ltd.

GRUNDOMAT N from the TT Group hits the market

The new GRUNDOMAT N soil displacement hammer generation is a milestone in the 40 year success story of GRUNDOMAT. The new generation now improves the propulsion and directional stability for an even greater target precise installation. The new GRUNDOMAT N sizes will be available in diameters 45 – 55 – 65 – 75 – 85 – 95 – 110 – 130 – 145 – 180mm.

Mar 06, 2012



ACCIONA Agua wins its first contract in Colombia

ACCIONA Agua has been awarded the Design, Build, Operation and Maintenance contract for the Bello Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Medellin, Colombia, in a call for tender by the public utilities company Aguas Nacionales EPM de Medellín. The deal is worth, including construction and operation, around USD347 million (more than 260 million euros). Initially, the plant will service more than three million inhabitants.

Mar 05, 2012


Bluetector AG

David Din

Bluetector Combines Water Cleaning and Energy Production

Bluetector AG, a Swiss-based wastewater start-up, is offering municipal wastewater treatment facilities a new solution to clean their wastewater while at the same time producing CO2-neutral energy. The Bluetector technology can be simply added to most existing municipal wastewater treatment plants, thus making use of existing infrastructure and boosting the performance of aging or outdated plants.

Mar 02, 2012


Lanes for Drains PLC

Michelle Ringland

Chasewater Reservoir: High-tech Lanes for Drains PLC Reveals Secrets of the Past

Lanes for Drains PLC has used its 21st Century sewer surveillance technology to reveal the 200-year-old hidden secrets of one of the UK’s largest man-made reservoirs. The company was called in to work on a £5.5m project to repair a dam at the 108 hectare Chasewater reservoir near Lichfield in Staffordshire, owned by Staffordshire County Council. The dam was built at the same time as the reservoir was created in 1796, making it one of the oldest reservoir dams in the UK.

Mar 01, 2012



Joanna Scheffel

Wastewater infrastructure – planning, financing and construction

The growth of our society depends on reliable infrastructure systems. Many governments around the world are now faced with the challenge to either replace old pipelines or to continue maintaining them. Another goal is the improvement of service. Find out at IQPC’s international conference Wastewater Infrastructure, 26th-28th March 2012 in Berlin, how municipalities, engineers and contractors deal with the constant pressure to maintain aging sewage systems or construct new wastewater systems.

Feb 29, 2012


Water Resources Group Ltd.

Brian Harcourt

USD 95,000,000 Binding Water Offtake Contract Signed

Water Resources Group Ltd is pleased to announce that the Municipality of Santa Catarina in the Republic of Cape Verde, an Island Nation 570 km off the coast of Western Africa, has signed a binding Water Offtake Agreement with its 49% owned joint venture company, Blue Aquifer LDA agreeing to the commercial terms of supply for the contract.

Feb 28, 2012


Envirosight, LLC.

Jake Wells

With New Bolt-on Carriage, ROVVER X™ Crawler Inspects Widest Range of Pipe Sizes

ROVVER X can now inspect more pipe sizes than any other crawler on the market, thanks to a bolt-on carriage that raises the crawler, expands its wheelbase, and gives it unmatched ground clearance. The carriage attaches in seconds, and accepts all ROVVER wheels, as well as two new pneumatic wheel options.

Feb 27, 2012


Aker Wirth GmbH

Simone Grönemeyer

Aker Wirth attaches great importance to work safety and environmental protection

Aker Wirth was audited by the accredited certification body DNV in late 2011. The company was granted both re-certification in occupational health and safety (OHSAS 18001:2007) and the initial certification in environmental protection (ISO 14001:2004).
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