News and Articles

Feb 23, 2012


HOBAS Engineering GmbH

7 Times in Europe – Air Cushion Siphon of HOBAS Pipes Rehabilitates Sewage System

The sewers of Pforzheim in Germany are for some part over 100 years old. It comes as no surprise that these no longer suit today’s requirements and urgently need to be rehabilitated. The majority of newly installed pipes has been jacked: A rather infrequent and demanding project was in this case the installation of an air cushion inverted siphon beneath two rivers.

Feb 23, 2012


Herrenknecht AG

Achim Kühn

Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel and Premier Wen Jiabao Visit Herrenknecht Plant in Guangzhou

The German Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao visited the Herrenknecht plant (HTE) in Guangzhou in February 2012. German high technology is very much in demand on the Chinese growth market – tunnel boring machines from Herrenknecht are used in many major infrastructure projects in China.

Feb 22, 2012


The World Bank

Stevan Jackson

Brazil: Improved Water Services for Thousands in Drought-Prone Sergipe

Thousands of people in urban and rural areas of the state of Sergipe will have access to improved water services through the Sergipe Water Project, thanks to a World Bank loan for US$70.3 millions. The project will increase access to safe water and sanitation in the most populous basin in the State, as well as reduce pollution, promote more efficient irrigated agriculture and improve Sergipe’s ability to have a more integrated water management and a more resilient water sector.

Feb 21, 2012



Björn Freimuth

Pipe bursting in Norway: 900 m ductile cast iron pipe ND 600 replaced with HD-PE pipe OD 710

In Trondheim, Norway’s third largest City, or to be more precise in Gamle Jonsvannsheien, an ND 600 drinking water transport pipeline, made of ductile and grey cast iron, had to be renewed over a total length of 900 m. The pipeline, originally installed in the late 60s, showed definite signs of wear. Leaks, caused by corrosion and requiring elaborate repairs, were regularly occurred. To assure the water supply for the City it was decided that it was time to renew the 40 year old pipeline. In undertaking this replacement it was absolutely necessary to maintain the pipe’s original cross section. Due to the prevailing soil conditions an HDPE pipe of 710 OD x 52.2 mm wall thickness (with coating) was chosen as the new pipe.

Feb 20, 2012


Asia Pulp & Paper Group

Redita Soumi

Asia Pulp & Paper Partners with Science Community to Help Solve Clean Water Shortages in Indonesia

Asia Pulp & Paper Group (APP) announced its partnership with the Man and Biosphere Programme (MAB) Indonesia - LIPI on a major community based water treatment project in the heart of Sumatra that may potentially provide clean and safe water to millions of people in Indonesia. MAB Indonesia - LIPI is part of the global UNESCO-led Man and Biosphere programme, which is designed to develop Indonesian Biosphere Reserves by promoting a balanced inter-relationship between people and nature, to help improve the overall welfare of the Indonesian people.

Feb 17, 2012



Nancy E. Talley

STAR ZoneScan Automated Leak-Detection from Aclara Now Commercially Available

STAR® ZoneScan, a unique, automated system from Aclara® that can pinpoint underground leaks on water mains to within a few feet, is now commercially available for widespread distribution. Aclara is a leading provider of Intelligent Infrastructure and part of the Utility Solutions Group of ESCO Technologies Inc.

Feb 17, 2012


The Robbins Company

High-Altitude hole through for Landmark Robbins TBM

After four years of extreme excavation through high cover and volcanic rock conditions, TBM tunneling at the Olmos Trans-Andean tunnel is complete. The 5.3 m (17.4 ft) diameter Robbins Main Beam machine broke through to fanfare and an elaborate ceremony on December 20, 2011. Government officials, contractor Odebrecht Peru Ingenieria y Construccion, and the President of Peru, Ollanta Humala, were among those in attendance.

Feb 16, 2012


TransCanada Corporation

Top American Companies Highlight Importance of Keystone XL To U.S. Job Creation

A number of U.S. firms joined TransCanada Corporation in stating how they will create thousands of American jobs building the largest privately financed infrastructure project on the books right now. The companies came forward to reinforce the fact that construction of the privately financed $7 billion oil pipeline means work for their employees during a period when the American economy needs jobs - 20,000 jobs in construction and manufacturing. For many, these jobs are a lifeline.

Feb 15, 2012


Asian Development Bank

Karen Lane

ADB Sells Second Water Bond to Boost Critical Investment in the Sector

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is selling its second Water Bond to Japanese investors to help finance its work in the water sector. The Water Bond, denominated in Turkish lira, will be issued in February. ADB will provide assistance in an amount at least equal to the net proceeds of the bond to water-related projects in the region, such as new water supply systems in urban areas, major rehabilitation of existing irrigation systems, and investment in wastewater management.

Feb 14, 2012



Adam J. Simonsen

Major Bulgarian Utility Chooses InfoNet For Effective Network Management

ViK Lovetch, the water utility serving the Bulgarian city of Lovetch, has opted to utilize the powerful analysis and business intelligence capabilities of InfoNet as its network management system. The purchase will represent a significant step up for the utility’s capabilities in this area.

Feb 13, 2012


African Development Bank Group

Katia Theriault

AfDB Promotes Improved Access to Water, Sanitation and Health Services in Rural and Urban Uganda

The African Development Bank and the Government of Uganda signed two separate agreements in January 2012 to finance projects to improve health services delivery and access to water and sanitation in both urban and rural areas of Uganda, with a total investment of USD 155.8 million. This double deal is expected to boost the country’s efforts to meet the 2015 Millennium Development Goals for health, water and sanitation.

Feb 10, 2012



Praise and opportunities for WaterAid in Swaziland

WaterAid's Southern Africa Regional Management Team have visited Swaziland to learn more about one of our newest Country Programmes, and to assess the progress of our pilot work there. WaterAid officially started working in Swaziland in 2009, building contacts and partnerships.

Feb 09, 2012


US Environmental Protection Agency

Stacy Kika

EPA Releases New Tool with Information about Water Pollution Across the U.S.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the release of a new tool that provides the public with important information about pollutants that are released into local waterways. Developed under President Obama’s transparency initiative, the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Pollutant Loading Tool brings together millions of records and allows for easy searching and mapping of water pollution by local area, watershed, company, industry sector, and pollutant. Americans can use this new tool to protect their health and the health of their communities.

Feb 08, 2012


Thames Water Utilities Limited

Simon Evans

Innovative New Scheme to Help Protect Homes from Flooding

A state-of-the-art flood alleviation scheme is being built in north London to capture excess water in times of heavy rain. Thames Water is digging a 60m by 10m ‘swale’ which will be approximately half a metre deep and will hold the water temporally during bouts of wet weather. The water will then be drained through pipes underneath the pond-like swale when the surface water levels subside to help ease the flow into the underground network.

Feb 07, 2012


European Investment Bank

Richard Willis

Seychelles clean water supply secured with European funding

Drinking water in the Seychelles, currently threatened by irregular rainfall and longer dry periods, will be secured through an investment programme backed by EUR 27 million European Investment Bank funding. Planned upgrades to the island’s water network will also protect water cleanliness with new sewer facilities and measures to reduce water loss.

Feb 06, 2012


HOBAS Engineering GmbH

Alexandra Dobnigg

From 0 to 250 Cubic Meters in Only 8 Hours – HOBAS Tank Secures Potable Water Supply in Lower Austria

Not only the increasing number of inhabitants but also the increasing number of swimming pools used to cause water shortages in Karlstetten (Lower Austria) every year in early summer. HOBAS however came to the rescue with a potable water tank holding 250 cubic meters. Installed in record time of only 8 hours, it ensures a reliable potable water supply and even serves as an impressive reference project for visitors from abroad.

Feb 03, 2012


International Finance Corporation

Adriana Gomez

IFC Supports Water, Electricity Services for 2.3 Million People in Colombia with $349 Million Financing

IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, arranged a $349 million financing for Colombian utility Empresas Públicas de Medellín to improve access to water, sewerage services, and electricity for more than 2.3 million people in Medellin and its surrounding areas.

Feb 02, 2012


Pall Corporation

Doug Novarro

Pall Corp. to Supply Advanced Water Treatment Technology for Qatar Petroleum

Pall Corporation has been selected by contractor SEG (Société d'Entreprise & de Gestion) Qatar to supply a state-of-the-art water treatment solution for Qatar Petroleum’s (QP) premier Ras Laffan Emergency and Safety College (RLESC). The complete Pall Aria™ AP-Series packaged membrane system will filter the facility’s treated sewage effluent and remove bacteria, viruses, turbidity and suspended matter. Pall is a global leader in filtration, separation and purification.

Feb 01, 2012


The World Bank

Mohamad Al-Arief

World Bank Supports Flood Mitigation Efforts in Jakarta

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved a project to clean out a number of major waterways in Jakarta, in support of the provincial government’s flood management system. The Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project – also known as the Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative, or JEDI – will help dredge about 67.5 km of 11 key channel sections and 65 hectares of four retention basins, to help restore their operating capacities. About 42 km of embankments will also be repaired. All these activities will take place in the priority sections of Jakarta’s flood management system.

Jan 31, 2012


FT Pipeline Systems Ltd

FT Pipeline Systems Reveals Boiler Pipe Range

FT Pipeline Systems, a leading supplier of steel and ductile iron pipes for the UK water and construction industries, has unveiled a range of carbon steel boiler pipes available in an extensive range of different specifications.

Jan 30, 2012


Water Resources Group Ltd.

Joint Venture for India and South Africa Executed – WRG partners with established local network

Water Resources Group Ltd is pleased to announce that it has entered into a Joint Venture Agreement with Mandala Water Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Mandala Capital AG Fund Limited, to exploit all of WRG’s existing and future products and technologies in the operating territories of South Asia (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh).

Jan 27, 2012


PerkinElmer, Inc.

Amanda L. Connolly

PerkinElmer Provides Reliable, High Performance Water Monitoring Solutions for South West Water, UK

PerkinElmer Inc., a global leader focused on the health and safety of people and the environment, has provided South West Water, a UK-based water utility, its NexION® 300 ICP-MS platform to help ensure and deliver safe water to 1.6 million people and businesses in the south west of England through advanced analytical monitoring.

Jan 26, 2012


HyperSolar, Inc.

HyperSolar Technology Turns Wastewater into Renewable Hydrogen and Natural Gas

HyperSolar, Inc., the developer of a breakthrough technology to produce renewable hydrogen and natural gas using water and solar power, commented that its technology can help mitigate the high costs of wastewater treatment, while turning a liability into an opportunity.

Jan 25, 2012


United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters

Rick Terven

Major Labor Union Criticizes Denial of Keystone Pipeline, Placing Blame On Environmental Groups

The denial of the Keystone XL pipeline is criticized by William P. Hite, general president of the United Association of Plumbers, Pipefitters and Sprinklefitters, a major construction union in the U.S. and Canada. He charges that the denial is the result of our leaders playing politics over jobs. He notes this would have been the safest pipeline in history and failure to approve a permit is a major mistake that relies on unfounded claims by environmental groups.

Jan 24, 2012


The Robbins Company

Robbins EPBs bore Final Meters in Zhengzhou

China is one step closer to becoming a national crossroads for rail traffic with the breakthrough of two EPBs. The 6.3 m (20.7 ft) Robbins TBMs have set a Chinese EPB record in the process, excavating up to 720 m (2,362 ft) in one month. The swift machines boring the Metro Line 1 holed through in October and November 2011—at least two weeks ahead of schedule.
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one moment please ...