Ceramic Polymer coatings for maximum concrete protection

Nov 11, 2013

Professional refurbishment of a waste water plant: This year in July, a business partner from Ceramic Polymer GmbH, ISDW GmbH from Mittenwalde/Germany, renovated a heavily damaged waste water plant with competence and know-how.

ISDW GmbH used the Ceramic Polymer – flooring system "CP-Synthofloor Beta 8016" as scratch coat and primer as well as the high-end product "Proguard CN 200". Because of the constant contact with highly corrosive sewage water and the polluted atmosphere the concrete showed deep erosions up to 10 cm. The steel reinforcement was exposed in many places and therefore extremely corroded.

The damaged concrete was removed and the cracks were specifically clamped. Then the complete area was sandblasted and concrete erosions were filled accurately. ISDW GmbH started the following works on the inner basin. To achieve a smooth surface the wall area was firstly treated with "CP-Synthofloor Beta 8016" as scratch coat. After the curing the coated walls were milled to prepare the substrate adequately for the application of the primer. For the best protection the edges were sealed additionally.

The bottom area was also leveled with the scratch coat and milled afterwards. Then the Ceramic Polymer primer "CP-Synthofloor Beta 8016" was applied on the prepared surfaces. After curing of the primer the premium coating "Proguard CN 200" was applied in 2 layers. The 1st layer was passed in light grey, the 2nd layer was conducted for best application control in dark grey. Now the treatment of the exterior basin was carried out in same sequences.

The coating systems

"CP-Synthofloor Beta 8016": The primer has a medium viscosity and can be applied with conventional equipments. It provides an excellent chemical resistance and features a high durability against wear and abrasion due to specific fillers. By addition of quartz sand or other suspending agents this system can also be used as a scratch coat.

"Proguard CN 200": This is one of Ceramic Polymer’s premium coatings. This solvent-free product shows an outstanding chemical resistance, even at high operating temperatures up to 150°C. It is the ideal choice for the whole range of waste water engineering.

The Ceramic Polymer GmbH produces high-quality, solvent-free protective coatings for different kinds of industries. Due to the integration of microscopic ceramic and other special particles, coating systems with outstanding physical properties such as excellent chemical resistances, high temperature stabilities and extreme abrasion resistances are generated.

The Ceramic Polymer coatings are applied directly on the blasted substrate (e.g. steel, stainless steel, concrete) without the previous use of a primer. In this way extreme adhesion is achieved. The scopes of the Ceramic Polymer coatings are for instance all kinds of storage tanks, pipelines or process vessels for the oil & gas industry as well as different maritime constructions, waste water or drinking water applications.


Ceramic Polymer GmbH

Stephanie Wuensch

Daimlerring 9

32289 Roedinghausen



+49 (0)5223-96276-0




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