Echologics Partners With Montreal Public Works to Reduce Non-Revenue Water, Improve Water System Efficiency

Jun 25, 2012

Echologics will help Montreal Public Works to reduce non-revenue water (NRW) and improve water system efficiency with its non-invasive Transmission Main Leak Detection service. A division of Mueller Co., Echologics is a developer and leading provider of acoustic-based technologies for water loss management, leak detection, and pipe condition assessment.

"Montreal's Community Sustainable Development Plan is partially aimed at improving the efficiency of our water system to an extent that would help us to reduce our drinking water production levels, compared to what they were in 2000, by 2015," said Serge Martin Paul. "Using advanced acoustics will help us to more quickly and efficiently achieve this goal by non-invasively locating leaks and points of illicit water consumption that are responsible for losing treated water that never reaches customers."
"Montreal understands that its ability to provide safe, clean drinking water to its current and future populations is key to sustaining itself as a global center of commerce," said Marc Bracken, Vice President and General Manager of Echologics. "By pinpointing critical areas in its water system that are responsible for water loss—without breaking ground or disrupting service—it can improve its water distribution capabilities while better conserving what is perhaps one of the world's most precious natural resources."
Echologics pioneered the development of a proprietary, acoustic-based system that non-invasively locates leaks and assesses the structural condition of both water and force mains. Transmission Main Leak Detection from Echologics is unique in that it can non-invasively detect and pinpoint leaks over considerable distances without disrupting water service or requiring specialized ports, closure of service laterals or flow alterations.
Water service providers across North America and in Europe, South Africa, Asia and Australia have leveraged Echologics' technology to prioritize pipeline rehabilitation and replacement plans, and reduce water loss on all classes of pipes, for diameters ranging from 4" to 108".


Mueller Water Products, Inc.

John Pensec

1200 Abernathy Road

30328 Atlanta, GA

United States


+1 (770) 206-4240



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