HDD Bore accessories online

Sep 22, 2011

TRACTO-TECHNIK (TT) has launched a new website for HDD bore accessories. With this online catalogue the reowned manufacturer of innovative trenchless pipe installation systems gives a comprehensive and systematic overview of the accessories available for HDD systems.

In order to provide quick and direct access to the complete range of accessories without any detours, the website www.directional-drilling-accessories.com was established separately from the TT homepage. Furthermore the site can be updated more promptly than the previous printed booklet. The new online survey comprises over 300 accessory items (bore heads, backreamers, detection equipment etc.) which can be selected online and marked up for a price inquiry.
Important accessories are shown in 3D to be viewed from all angles and also zoomed in to see more details. The online catalogue will be completed the at the end of August 2011 with a printing function so users can then print out the range of accessories as a complete, up-to-date catalogue. At the same as the English version the website in is launched in German at www.hdd-bohrzubehoer.de.


TT UK Ltd.

10 Windsor Road Bedford MK 42 9SU

United Kingdom


+44 1234.342.566


+44 1234.352.184




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