Industry guide to microtunneling now avaible

Mar 09, 2015

With the help of industry experts, Trenchless Australasia has put together the complete resource for personnel working across all facets of the microtunnelling industry. The e-guide is available now for free download.

The microtunnelling e-guide is suited both for industry novices looking to learn more about how they could be utilising this advanced technique to its best effect; as well as to industry veterans wanting to know more about overcoming challenges when it comes to microtunnelling applications for various projects.

The guide to microtunnelling also explores topics such as:

  • Types of microtunnelling machines explained in clear, easy-to-understand language
  • Advantages and challenges associated with microtunnelling systems
  • History of microtunnelling
  • Servicing machinery
  • Directory of microtunnelling equipment providers, contractors and advisors in Australasia.

This free e-guide is available now.

Catalin Dumitrescu
Catalin Dumitrescu says:
Jun 08, 2017 02:53 PM

can you please advise wherefrom I can get this free e-guide? Thank you!

Katrin Hellmann
Katrin Hellmann says:
Jun 16, 2017 09:14 AM

Dear Mr. Dumitrescu,
this is a press release from Trenchless Australasia. So please get in touch with the team from Trenchless Australasia (
We hope we could help you with our response.
Best regards,
(Katrin Hellmann)


Trenchless Australasia

461 Bourke St.

3000 Melbourne



+61 3 9248 5100


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