Israel Creates Waves of Change: Proving to be a Global Leader in the Global Approach when it comes to Marketing New Innovative Technologies to the Water Industry

Jul 27, 2011

Israel currently leads the change in the global approach to marketing new and innovative technologies in the water industry. Israel is recognized for water technologies such as Smart Irrigation Solutions, Water Resource Management, Combating Leaky Infrastructure, Water Treatment, Desalination and Water Security. The introduction of these technologies into foreign countries will be done with support, promotion and mutual collaboration from Governments, Water Companies and International Corporations instead of simply selling to what can be a very conservative market.

It is said that by 2030 the world's population will require 50% more water than what we currently consume. Therefore we will need to look at innovative technologies to provide the means to cope with our lack of natural resources. Israel was forced into coping with this situation sooner than other countries, and it is working towards the goal of becoming a state with an independent water supply by 2015, thus avoiding the need to rely solely on rainwater. This remarkable feat will be achieved thanks to water sources produced technologically including Desalination Installations, Water Recycling, and advanced Water Management Systems throughout the country.
Throughout most of the world these water production methods have yet to be applied, and Israel, which constitutes only 0.04% of the global water consumption, has become a strong symbol of technology-based water independence.
Today, the Israeli Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor lists some 166 water tech enterprises, including 91 companies offering water efficiency solutions, 50 companies specializing in wastewater reuse and desalination, and another 25 offering water control and command systems.
Given the innovative advances coming out of Israel’s water tech industry, it is often considered the world’s Silicon Valley of water technology. With so many water centered events happening worldwide it is evident that the world understands and acknowledges the importance of Israel's experience in this field, the question is "How can we learn from the Israeli experience in the water domain?"
The WATEC 2011 Conference & Exhibition, produced by the Israel Trade Fairs Center in conjunction with Government of Israel; the government's water project - Israel NewTech; The Israeli Export Institute and MATIMOP (Israeli Industry Center for R&D), will provide the perfect opportunity to hear from and meet a range of growing water, energy & environment companies seeking a combination of partners, investment and professional services to develop their companies.This will be a massive opportunity to be involved in such important questions that challange our world both now and in the near future.


Government of Israel Economic Office

Audrey Niego


713-599-0290 2


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