KESSEL increases development capacities – State-of-the-art test field built in Lenting

Nov 09, 2011

The drainage specialist KESSEL has invested 1.5 million Euros to expand its development centre that has a workforce of 50. "Our company stands for innovation and development. To maintain our high standards and to continuously improve our products, we have invested in a state-of-the-art development centre," said Edgar Thiemt, technical and financial director of the board.

More room for ideas
The development centre was expanded by 350 square metres; this not only includes office space for the development and product management departments, but also a state-of-the-art test area where long-term backwater tests, volume measurements for pumps and leak tests are carried out. KESSEL has also built a test field outdoors. KESSEL products for underground installation, such as filter and small sewage plants, can be tested here in various test groups. Tests are also carried out to establish the performance of the tanks, i.e. whether they are groundwater resistant. Also, the drainage performance of drains can be tested; tests up to an output of 50 l/s are now possible. "The test field is one of the most modern in the industry, for example wells and cisterns can now be built and tested under real conditions. This is something we are very proud of," said Thiemt. "Important insights for the development work can be gained from the results of the tests."



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85101 Lenting



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