L'histoire se répète

Apr 18, 2007

The policy of the EU to encourage privatisation of the water sector has been criticised by a group of 45 civil society and labour organisations.

The group called the Water Development Movement favours increased public-sector involvement for what its key members consider to be public assets.

At the end of March it stepped into the debate by launching a report on Water Day that is critical of the policy. According to UN figures, 1.2 billion people around the world are without safe access to drinking water. The body therefore says that EU aid for poor countries should not be going to private sector involvement in water and sanitation services.

This is not the first time the EU policy has been challenged. Media reports from many poor countries have complained of big water companies with unfair water charges, top executive salaries, high profits and leaking pipes.

Roel van ‘t Veer, general manager of TEPPFA says: “Many of our members are involved with sharing the benefits of plastic pipe technology in the developing world. They work closely with UN bodies to ensure that projects are managed responsibly and bring positive benefits to the communities they serve. Plastic pipe technology was born out of the need in Europe to provide clean water and sanitation to growing communities. The principle holds true for the developing world and our organisation welcomes any involvement in applying this principle to practice!”

Further information:
Plastics Europe
Avenue E van Nieuwenhuyse 4
1160 Brussels
Tel: +31 (2) 675 3297
Email: info@plasticseurope.org
Web: www.plastic-pipes.com


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