New water meter trial starts in Bromley and Croydon, England

Jan 08, 2007

Thames Water began a four-year programme at the beginning of October to install water meters to all homes in Bromley and Croydon (England) on change of occupancy.

From 2010, Thames Water hopes to start installing water meters at all homes in its supply area on change of occupancy (subject to regulatory approval). This trial in Bromley and Croydon will enable Thames Water to learn how to overcome some of the practical difficulties with installing meters and thereby make mass metering more efficient in the future. It will also provide further information on the effect meters have on customers' consumption as well as encouraging greater water conservation. Current industry research suggests that demand falls at least 10% in the short-term.

Vanessa Clark, Head of Metering at Thames Water, said: "Water is becoming an increasingly precious resource. Population growth and climate change will both increase demand in years to come, and we have to keep pace with these changes to ensure that adequate supplies are available."

"Past experience suggests the installation of meters reduces demand for water, but we want to better understand this. We have chosen Bromley and Croydon for our studies because water resources in South London are already under great pressure, so there is a real need to preserve supplies."

"The meters will be installed for free, and will allow customers to manage their own demand and the level of their bills."

"We've seen a huge increase this year in the number of our customers choosing to have a meter installed, as they become more aware of the financial and environmental benefits of conserving water."

Increasing levels of water metering is one of the measures Thames Water is taking to make sure it can keep pace with rising demand. Other plans include:
  • Major mains pipe replacement programme in London;
  • Desalination plant in East London;
  • New reservoir to serve Swindon, Oxfordshire and London, and;
  • Water efficiency audits at domestic and commercial properties.

Thames Water has written to solicitors and estate agents to inform them of the changes to its policy. Homeowners will be informed when they contact the company to say they are moving home.

Thames Water is currently conducting two other trials, in Swindon in Wiltshire and Chigwell in North East London.

Further information:
Thames Water Utilities
Nicola Savage


Thames Water Utilities Ltd.



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