Renewed confidence, more international participants and commercial success were the main features of the international congress and trade fair WASSER BERLIN 2006 / GAS BERLIN 2006

Apr 12, 2006

Over 26,000 trade visitors attended the water and gas event in Berlin – Ten per cent more trade visitors – 20 per cent of trade visitors came from abroad. From 3 to 7 April 2006 the European water and gas industry turned its attention to Berlin. Over 26,000 trade visitors from 42 countries came to the city in search of information about the latest developments in technology and energy policy in this sector. In the words of Dr. Christian Göke, Chief Operating Officer of Messe Berlin GmbH: "WASSER BERLIN / GAS BERLIN 2006 again demonstrated its outstanding importance for both industries. One of the most encouraging features has been the increase in the numbers of international exhibitors, trade visitors and delegations."

WASSER BERLIN / GAS BERLIN 2006 was notable for the underlying optimism among its exhibitors and trade visitors, as revealed by various surveys. This was partly due to the five per cent rise in the numbers of international trade visitors, who now account for 20 per cent of the total.

The hall area of around 46,000 square metres was occupied by 630 exhibitors from 30 countries. These exhibitors, 187 of whom came from abroad, presented innovative products and services in six halls, arranged according to the various main themes. At WASSER BERLIN these ranged from the treatment of water and sewage to water extraction, drilling systems, multi-utilities, fittings, pumps, water distribution and the removal of sewage and wastewater.

At GAS BERLIN, which was taking place for the fourth time, the emphasis was on the latest gas distribution technology, covering everything from transport to distribution. A special show devoted to vehicles powered by natural gas highlighted the ecological and economic potential of multi-purpose cars and commercial vehicles, not only because they help to reduce pollution but also on account of their tax advantages.

The accompanying international congresses together with their partner events, which included the European Water and Gas Forums and the wat, Discussion Meeting on Water Supply, were among the main attractions for trade visitors.

Dipl.-Ing. Arnd Böhme, General Manager of the Verein WASSER BERLIN e.V., which was responsible for coordinating the partner events and the congresses, was very pleased with the response to the congresses WASSER BERLIN and GAS BERLIN, which attracted more than 700 participants, and with the total attendance of 5,498 experts, who benefited from the opportunities that were provided for the exchange of knowledge and information.

Exhibitors report commercial success at the fair
A poll of exhibitors that was conducted by an independent market research organisation revealed a high level of satisfaction among them: 85 per cent described the commercial success of their efforts at the fair as positive, 19 per cent stated that contracts had been signed during the fair, and 87 per cent expect follow-up business to be positive at the very least.

The positive overall impression of the event that most of them obtained was also evident from the fact that 87 per cent intend to take part in the next WASSER BERLIN / GAS BERLIN.

12 per cent of trade visitors signed contracts
Trade visitors obtained a thoroughly positive impression of WASSER BERLIN / GAS BERLIN 2006. The range of items on offer was described by 92 per cent of them as very good or good.

A positive overall impression was obtained by 91 per cent of trade visitors, and 94 per cent described the overall commercial value of their visit as positive. Twelve per cent of the trade visitors were also able to sign contracts during the two trade fairs.

Media Contact:

Messe Berlin:

Michael T. Hofer
Leiter Presse- und

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14055 Berlin
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Messe Berlin GmbH, Germany



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