S & P - Company Reorganisation Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stein & Partner GmbH becomes holding company and incorporates two newly founded subsidiaries.

Sep 29, 2006

Since the engineering company Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stein & Partner GmbH was founded in 1994, the company has been growing steadily. In order to cope with the manifold fields of interests, responsibilities and requirements within the branch of pipeline construction and maintenance, two subsidiaries have now been founded besides the already existing companies Visaplan GmbH and CargoCap Gmbh: S&P Consult GmbH and Knowledge Factory GmbH. Functioning as a holding company, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stein & Partner GmbH is in charge of all four companies.

"It is not only our engineering services in the areas of pipeline construction and maintenance as well as environmental technology that require independent structures but also our activities in the fields of new media, (further) education and publishing", Dipl.-Ing. Robert Stein, managing director of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stein & Partner Holding, accounts for this step.

S&P Consult provides all previous engineering services of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stein & Partner GmbH in the fields of pipeline construction and maintenance as well as environmental technology with immediate effect. It goes without saying that this also comprises all obligations of current contracts and projects.

Knowledge Factory Gmbh deals with the topics of web-based knowledge-collection formats and placements. It develops methods and concepts, such as online content management systems and knowledge platforms, e.g. UNITRACC (www.unitracc.de and www.unitracc.com). The name UNITRACC stands for Underground Infrastructure Training and Competence Center. This information, learning and working platform for sewer and pipeline construction has already found its place on the national and international market.

The company visaplan GmbH (www.visaplan.com) has been working in the fields of three-dimensional visualisations and animations and provides graphic services from the very first concept to the finished product. The scope of services ranges from digital video editing, computer animations, interactive applications, software development up to comprehensive internet services. Especially in the field of pipeline construction, the essential rehabilitation methods and new construction techniques have been visualised clearly and vividly by visaplan GmbH and have thus found their way into the education concept of engineers.

CargoCap GmbH (www.cargocap.de) develops and plans underground freight transportation systems. The project CargoCap is a transportation alternative in order to transport goods fast, reliably and in time through underground transportation pipelines in congested urban areas. This innovative concept is an interdisciplinary research and development project at the "Ruhr-Universität Bochum" (RUB), lead by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietrich Stein supported by the ministry for innovation, science, research and technology of the federal state of North Rhine-Westfalia.

By and large, this reorganisation serves to enable these individual companies to concentrate more strongly on their core competences and thus to go into the particular requirements of the clients in a more tightly focused and flexible way. As a matter of course, the contact persons of the company stay the same as always. "We are very pleased about this modified corporate structure, which will surely help fulfil new desires and requirements on the highest level", R. Stein points out.

Further information and contact:
Knowledge Factory GmbH
Julia Geessink
Konrad-Zuse-Str. 6
44801 Bochum
Tel.: +49 (0) 234 51 67 - 125
Fax. +49 (0) 234 51 67 - 109
E-Mail: Julia.Geessink@stein.de
Internet: http://www.stein.de


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stein & Partner GmbH

44801 Bochum


+49 234 51 67 0


+49 234 51 67 109




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