SGS to Oversee Construction of Natural Gas Pipeline

Jun 13, 2013

One of the most distinguished suppliers among the largest in the transmission and distribution of natural gas in India has awarded SGS a contract to provide independent inspection, testing, commissioning and certification services during construction of a polyethylene (PE) pipeline in Surat, India.

Plastic Pipelines

Polyethylene pipes have been used to transmit gas since 1960. Today, over 90 per cent of gas pipelines in the United States and Canada are plastic, almost all of which are made of polyethylene. PE pipelines can be found all over the world substantially reducing costs and drastically shortening time spent for project construction.

The advantages of PE pipeline include stronger connections, more flexibility, easier installation, resistance to corrosion and chemicals, a higher level of durability and longer life-expectancy.

SGS Experience in India

Since March of 2007, SGS has been providing inspection services for pipeline construction activities in India under ASME B 31.8 and the requirements as stipulated by the Indian Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulation Board (PNGRB). SGS was specifically chosen to assist in this new project based upon its past experience in the inspection of similar natural gas pipeline and its registration with PNGRB. This previous experience together with the recognition of PNGRB enables SGS to assign inspection engineers and technical support to ensure the highest quality and meet project deadlines.

As nominated dedicated manager in the Surat project, SGS will again provide this client with day to day progress reporting, regularly meet with client representatives to address and solve any arising problems and responsibly enforce PNGRB guidelines with all hired contractors. Twenty-eight SGS deputy mechanical engineers will provide independent on-site inspection services throughout the construction period. Furthermore, these SGS experts will conduct testing, oversee commissioning and issue certification for the PE pipeline project.

Commissioning and Management

During the construction phase of any project, it is imperative to maintain tight control over the quality of all procured materials and services. It is equally crucial that environmental and site conditions are assessed in order to avoid costly errors which may jeopardize operations.

SGS specialists in commissioning services and project management respectively assure clients that equipment and components are assembled according to client-defined specifications and that all geotechnical risks are managed effectively.

The unparalleled network of SGS experts works as a team to provide the most comprehensive solutions to the challenges of each and every project, protecting the overall integrity of the project to support smooth and reliable operations.

SGS Quality Assurance in Surat

In the Surat natural gas PE pipeline project, the quality of all equipment, materials, structures and components will be subjected to strict regulations and standards. SGS quality assurance and quality control services will ensure compliance with all contractual specifications, mandatory regulations and quality standards affecting the project. All inspections will be carried out according to the approved Quality Assurance Plan and PNGRB guidelines.

Skilled SGS professionals will assure the quality of all equipment, materials, structures, components and systems to be utilized in the construction, manufacturing and operation of the pipeline and ensure compliance with all relevant quality standards and regulations. Implementing independent examination, audits, inspections and witnessing, experienced SGS inspectors will verify all materials, parts and final products intended for use in the project.


SGS Industrial Services

1 place des Alpes

1211 Geneva



+41 22 739 91 11


+41 22 739 98 86



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