Trelleborg launches IR app for increased accessibility

Dec 11, 2012

Trelleborg launches an Investor Relations app for the iPad. It is designed to make Trelleborg's financial communications more accessible and user-friendly for investors, analysts and shareholders. The app includes Trelleborg share graphs, reports, annual reports, IR presentations, press releases and its business concept.

“Over the year, tablets have been used more often on road shows and analyst meetings. For Trelleborg, it is natural to introduce an IR app that provides investors and analysts with instant access to quarterly reports and financial data in a user-friendly format,” says Christopher Sjögren, Vice President Investor Relations at Trelleborg Group.

The IR app can be downloaded for free from the App Store. It can easily be found by searching for “Trelleborg IR”. A version of the app for iPhone, Android tablets and for Android mobiles will be launched shortly.

The Trelleborg IR app is not the first app from Trelleborg Group. There is already the Trelleborg Gateway app containing, among other things, products and contact information. In addition, Trelleborg's business areas offer a number of apps targeted at specific market segment. Information about all apps from Trelleborg is available on


Trelleborg AB

Karin Larsson

Johan Kocksgatan 10

23122 Trelleborg



+46 (0) 410 67094


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