Victorian mains upgrade for the City of London

Jul 10, 2009

A £7.5million scheme is under way to replace eight-and-a-half miles (13.7km) of worn-out Victorian water mains in the City of London.

Thames Water will spend the next three years replacing cast-iron pipes, some of which are 150 years old, with tough, flexible plastic in EC3, within the boundary of East Cheap, Great Tower Street, the River Thames, Tower Bridge Road, Mansell Street, Leadenhall Street and King William Street.

Project Manager Tim Owens said:
"This scheme in the City is part of Thames Water's ongoing work to replace 1,300 miles of old pipes under London by 2010 - enough to stretch more than 11 times around the M25. "We've replaced 1,000 miles since beginning this work in 2003, reducing leakage in the past four years by 24 per cent.

"The new plastic pipes we're putting in are less susceptible to damage from soil corrosion and traffic vibrations than the old ones."

Christine Cohen, Chairman of the Planning and Transportation Committee, City of London Corporation, said:
"We welcome this opportunity to work with Thames Water to ensure there is minimum disruption to City businesses and residents."

Thames Water
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Berkshire, RG1 8DB
PH.: 0118 373 8924
M: 07747 644 364


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